SAMPRO is the voluntary organisation of the South African producers of processed milk and manufacturers of the other dairy products. SAMPRO promotes the development of the secondary dairy industry to the benefit of the dairy industry, the consumer and the South African society.
- Setting the trend on how to deal in a deregulated environment, with issues of collective interest to members of the South African dairy industry, in full compliance with the Competition Act.
- Dynamic and acts on the basis of objective and balanced information.
- Adhering to defined values, including values regarding the well-being of all members of the South African society, protection of the environment and animal welfare.
- Successfully managing and executing projects and actively participates in projects and initiatives regarding issues such as:
- Comprehensive and objective reporting on market conditions in respect of dairy products and promotion of the effective working of the markets for dairy products and unprocessed milk;
- Act and Regulations relevant for the dairy industry;
- Consumer education in respect of the nutritional and health value of dairy products;
- Dairy technical skills and knowledge development;
- International trade issues relevant for the dairy industry;
- Environmental sustainability of the dairy industry;
- Dairy Cattle Welfare;
- Protection of the integrity of dairy products;
- Development projects and initiatives of the public and private sectors relevant for the dairy industry;
- Interaction with news media and interest groups based on credible information.
- An active member of Milk SA, Dairy Standard Agency and other South African and international organisations and forums.
The successes of SAMPRO are widely acknowledged.
Alwyn P Kraamwinkel – alwyn@sampro.co.za
De Wet Jonker – dewet@sampro.co.za
Telephone: +27 (12) 991 4164